I have to admit, I've never watch any of the new cartoon shows..I may have seen a show here and their but for the most part..didn't watch it. Here is a variation on the old classic Thrust. The original was a Maroon colored jet. This guy is green and comes with a little mini-con that changes into a truck with missile.

They were suppose to combine to become more powerful or something like that in the show. Again..I never watched it, so I don' t know.

The color scheme..is meh..I always like it when they keep a hint of color from the originals. Sometimes a new colors works..sometimes it doesn't. Here I don't think it does.

The jet form is pretty cool. I like the bulkiness of it, like a harrier jet I assume..the little truck can sit in the back of it. Without the truck, it looks really empty...not complete.
The figure itself..I guess there is where they went for the homage to the classic. They kept the classic coned shaped head. And that's all I really like about the robot form. I dislike that they didn't give him hands..instead he just has thrusters for hands. That blows...and the over all put togetherness of him is so cluttered and the bulkiness I liked in jet form..I dislike in robot form.

The missiles on his legs just get in the way..the giant (dong) like jet canopy between his legs is in the way, his wings can detach from his back and when you press a button, it spins. But its just so..its not well put together, it doesn't pose well at all. Everything gets in the way of everything else.

The robot form overall, I just don't like it. While the little Inferno guy...well, he's small and bulky and his transformation is down right simple. Not much to say about him really.

Here they are spying on the neighbors.